Galois theory

  • n.(数学)伽罗瓦理论(数群理论的一部分,特别是有关在—已知数域中的带系数多项式的解可以在域中藉反复运算及开n次方得出的条件)
Galois theoryGalois theory
  1. Finally , the Galois theory is applied to matrix C-ring to obtain some useful results .


  2. Long standing questions about compass and straightedge construction were finally settled by Galois theory .


  3. Based on the Galois theory , we know the root solution of real coefficient cubic equation .


  4. Galois Theory of Total and Partial Functions in Many-Valued Logics


  5. A number of ancient problems concerning Compass and straightedge constructions were finally solved using Galois theory .


  6. Based on Galois theory of definite field , using the square prime sequence , the code function of basic prime code is modified and extended .


  7. In the history of mathematics , Galois Theory and its founder Galois are always the main topics of study for mathematicians and historians .


  8. On the dialectic point of view , the influences of Cauchy 's systematical study on the theory of permutation to understanding Galois Theory to mathematicians in France are appraised .


  9. Galois Theory is the crowning achievement of the ( algebraic ) theory of equations , and the most important thing is that Galois Theory has opened another new and wide world for mathematics while it closed the door of the ( algebraic ) theory of equations .


  10. Secondly , Galois field theory and finite group theory related with elliptic curve cryptography are discussed .


  11. A Cryptosystem Based on Galois Fields Theory


  12. This thesis is composed of following parts : the fundamental theory of the modern cryptology is briefly researched , in which the mathematic model of cryptology , data encrypt principle and Galois field theory related with elliptic curve crypto is discussed .


  13. The History of Transmission of Galois and His Theory


  14. The CRC-CCITT cyclic redundancy check code in international standard is studied in this paper . The polarities check ability , minimum code distance and capacity of correct single bit error of CRC-CCITT are proved by using galois field polynomial theory .
